Evergreen Family Chiropractic Blog

New Solutions to Headaches in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Head Pain

New Solutions to Headaches in Olympia WA Five main types of headaches in Olympia WA: Tension headaches Sinus headaches Cluster headaches Classic migraines Non-classic migraines The one thing all of these headaches in have in common is the western solution of pharmaceuticals. Almost every type of headache, the number one common solution a patient is…

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New Solutions To Chronic Low Back Pain in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Back Pain Exam

New Solutions To Chronic Low Back Pain in Olympia WA Low back pain is a common reason to visit the emergency room in America. Here’s how it works,….. you are in debilitating pain; you go see your medical doctor and he gives you painkillers to get through the day or the week. The pain worsens…

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Function and Health vs. Pain Control: When Pain-Free Becomes Dangerous in Olympia

Chiropractic Olympia WA Tinnitus

Function and Health vs. Pain Control in Olympia WA: When Pain-Free Becomes Dangerous Does this situation sound familiar to you? You’re out running on the trail with a few friends over the weekend. The sun is shining, the flowers are just starting to bloom, and the air is crisp and energizing-it’s a perfect day. But…

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Cold Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): The Future of Healing in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Laser

Cold Low-Level Laser Therapy in Olympia WA: The Future of Healing It used to be that only in a sci-fi movie could you see an operating room full of futuristic tools like lasers and giant mechanical arms. There might even be a few wise-cracking robots thrown in for good measure. But here in the present,…

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Why Medical Bills are Killing Us in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Stress

Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us in Olympia WA Healthcare Costs in Olympia WA There is so much talk about “health care” and providers jockeying for “position.” The truth is, no matter how you slice it, the bottom line is…each of us has to take responsibility for our own health and make lifestyle changes that…

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Black and White in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Migraine

Black and White in Olympia WA There are very few things that I think are Black and White…. One of them is: You think and move towards health or disease in Olympia WA. They are a mutually exclusive thinking process, either/or. When taking a cholesterol-reducing drug (statin) it is not about health, it is about…

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Importance of Vitamin D3 in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 in Olympia WA Now that it is summer AND we have sun….patients in Olympia WA are asking me if they can stop taking their Vitamin D3 supplement. Well if you get 30 minutes a day of sun with bare legs and arms with no sunscreen then maybe. Importance of Vitamin D3 in Olympia…

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Return on Investment (Rol) in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Insurance

Return on Investment in Olympia WA Life as a chiropractor in Olympia WA Someone asked me at our Beach Party if I got anything out of doing this. New Practice Members etc.?  It is a business term that I understand, however, how do you put a price on fun, laughter, dressing up in silly costumes,…

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Law of Attraction in Olympia WA

Chiropractic Olympia WA Foot Pain

Law of Attraction in Olympia WA From our Chiropractor in Olympia WA: I sometimes think the concept of the mind-body connection while acknowledge is very much under estimated. Today I had a practice member say “I know I am going to have left leg pain the rest of the day.” I said, “How do you…

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